The Article
We are so glad to be back!
As of June 1, 2020, all FirstBank Southwest lobbies will be open to the public. Whenever you are ready, we are here ready to greet you with a smile (from a distance of course)!
How We Plan To Keep You Safe:
Healthy Workers
Employees are following a hand washing schedule and potentially exposed employees will stay home. Plexiglass dividers will also be used at each teller station to help protect the health of our employees and customers.
Frequent Cleaning
High-touch surfaces are cleaned at regular intervals. Hand sanitizer stations are also located at each entrance and in high traffic areas throughout the building.
Social Distancing
Staff will encourage social distancing among coworkers and customers.
Safety Measures
To ensure our lobbies operate safely, a greeter at the entrance may ask customers to remove their mask for identification purposes or show ID.
Contactless Banking Available 24/7
Not ready to join us in person? We encourage you to use our drive-thru, ATMs, mobile banking, online banking, and bank by phone services. You can access your accounts online at or on our FBSW Mobile App on your mobile device. If you haven’t enrolled in online access or have any questions, we would be glad to assist you, please call us at 806-355-9661.
Estamos contentos de regresar!
Apartir del el 1ro de Junio del 2020, todos las sucursales estaran abiertas para el publico. Cuando estes listo, nosotros ya estamos aqui listos para saludarle con una sonrisa. (claro que con distancia)!
Como Planeamos Mantenerte a Salvo:
Trabajadores Sanos
Los empleados siguen un horario rutinario para lavarse las manos y los empleados potencialmente expuestos se quedaran en casa. Divisores de Plexiglas seran usados en cada cajera para ayudar a protejer la salud de nuestros empleados y clientes.
Limpieza Frecuente
Las superficies que son mas tocadas se limpian a menudamente. Estaciones de desinfectador de manos 11- se encontraran en cada entrada y en las areas con mayor trafico en el edificio.
Distancia Social
El personal alentara la distancia social entre trabajadores y clientes.
Medidas de Seguridad
Para asegurar que nuestros lobbies funcionen con seguridad, un anfitrion en la entrada puede pedir al cliente que se quite la mascara con fines de identificarlo o mostrar su identificacion.
Banca sin Contacto Disponible 24/7
Para asegurar que nuestros lobbies funcionen con seguridad, un anfitrion en la entrada puede pedir al cliente que se quite la mascara con fines de identificarlo o mostrar su identificacion.
FirstBank Southwest (“FBSW”) was founded in 1907 and family owned since 1934. FirstBank Southwest is a dynamic 1.6B+ regional bank that has the privilege of serving the families and businesses of the Texas Panhandle, DFW Metroplex, and Austin and San Antonio metro markets. It is the mission of FBSW to be the preferred community bank in the great state of Texas by providing focused financial services for commercial customers and retail customers. Get social with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Visit us on our webpage at: