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Thank you for your interest in electronic account statements from FirstBank Southwest. This service is available to you at no cost, and will allow you to view your current and past account statements (for a 90 day rolling period) for checking and savings accounts on a secure website. As part of the registration process, please read the following Consent and Authorization disclosure and indicate your acceptance at the bottom.

Consent And Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Regular Account Statements

In this Consent and Authorization, the words “I,” “Me,” and “My” mean each person who electronically signs below. The words “Account Number ” mean the account number that I entered to access this Consent and Authorization. The word “Account” means any checking and savings accounts held at FirstBank Southwest under the Account Number.

I understand that pursuant to My account agreements with FirstBank Southwest, I may be entitled to receive periodic account statements in connection with My Account, such as checking or savings account statements (“Account Statements”). By indicating my acceptance of these terms and conditions, I authorize Firstbank Southwest to discontinue sending Me such periodic Account Statements via postal mail service for My Account and to instead deliver such periodic Account sStatements to me electronically (“eStatements”). I understand and agree that FirstBank Southwest will send Me an email on an ongoing basis to My primary email address, as indicated below, notifying Me that My eStatement account statement(s) are ready to be viewed on FirstBank Southwest’s website. I understand and agree that I will no longer receive paper copies of My periodic Account Statements and I will keep my email address current for prompt delivery of My eStatement.

I further understand and agree that:

  1. I am the authorized signer [primary accountholder] of the Account indicated below. My electronic signature executed in conjunction with this Consent and Authorization means any electronic transaction on this Account shall be legally binding on all owners on the account including myself and any such transaction performed pursuant to this Consent and Authorization transaction shall be considered authorized by Me.
  2. If the Account Number entered to access this Consent and Authorization the Account indicated below is a joint account, I acknowledge that I am an accountholder of the joint account indicated below and that My consent and authorization has been authorized by each of the joint accountholders. All joint accountholders owners on the account are legally bound by the terms and conditions of this Consent and Authorization.Transactions performed on any Account indicated below by electronic means, which contain an electronic signature [where my PIN is utilized][where the security procedure described below is utilized], shall be considered authorized by me.
  3. My ongoing consent to receive subsequent Account Statements electronically is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time. I may withdraw consent at any time in writing, by U. S. Mail, or in person at a branch location, or by sending FirstBank Southwest a secure message email at [email protected] and Subject to FirstBank Southwest’s confirmation of My request, such withdrawal shall become effective no later than thirty (30) days after receipt by FirstBank Southwest. Upon termination, I understand and agree that I will no longer have access to My Account Statements online and that I will receive all Account Statements in paper form via postal mail service [subject to the fee, if any, as set forth in FirstBank Southwest’s Schedule of Fees and Charges].
  4. My computer system meets the minimum system requirements set forth below. In addition, I have and will maintain a printer capable of printing any eStatement account statements that are emailed to Me and/or made available on Firstbank Southwest’s website. In the alternative, I have and will maintain the ability to electronically save and visually display on My computer screen any eStatement account statements that are emailed to Me and/or made available on FirstBank Southwest’s website. I understand that FirstBank Southwest recommends that I print a copy of any eStatement and of this Consent and Authorization for My records.
  5. I agree to maintain a valid, active email address. I must promptly notify FirstBank Southwest of any change in My email or postal address by contacting FirstBank Southwest at 1-800-944-9561 or at any of FirstBank Southwest’s branch locations. FirstBank Southwest is not liable for any third party-incurred fees, other legal liability, or any other issues or liabilities arising from eStatements or notifications sent to an invalid or inactive email address or postal address that you have provided. Additionally, I may provide change of mailing and email address by secure messaging through Online Banking (OLB) at [email protected].
  6. I may also request a paper copy of any periodic regular Account Statement. [A fee may be charged for any such paper copies, subject to the fee as set forth in FirstBank Southwest’s Schedule of Fees and Charges].
  7. I understand and agree that FirstBank Southwest reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Consent and Authorization. FirstBank Southwest will notify Me before the effective date of any change. This means FirstBank Southwest will mail Me notice using the United States Post Office at the address FirstBank Southwest currently has on file OR FirstBank Southwest may notify me of any change of terms and conditions by posting a message that I must accept before accessing My eStatement. By accessing My eStatements after I receive any notice of change will constitute My agreement to such change(s). FirstBank Southwest reserves the right to discontinue the eStatements program at any time.Security Procedures: I understand that I cannot sign up for the eStatements program and cannot access My regular account statements without first signing up for and establishing an OLB account which is guarded by Out-of-Band authentication in the form of a username, password and automated voice or SMS message ID verification. I further understand that if I disclose My password to other people, they may also have the ability to access My regular account statements, and I will be responsible for any transactions they may complete. I agree to notify FirstBank Southwest immediately if I believe any of My accounts have been accessed without My permission. The terms and conditions in this Consent and Authorization only apply to the eStatement program. Provisions in other FirstBank Southwest agreements and disclosures, including but not limited to FirstBank Southwest’s Account Disclosure and in any and all loan agreements and disclosures, may be revised from time to time and remain effective for all other aspects of the accounts involved. I am an authorized signer on this account. I understand FirstBank Southwest will send me an email on a monthly basis notifying me that my statement(s) are ready to be viewed. In order for FirstBank Southwest to notify me of my eStatement delivery, it is my responsibility to inform FirstBank Southwest with any changes in my email address on this site, by contacting them at 1-800-944-9561, at any of their branch locations, or by secure message email in OLB. I understand I may cancel this authorization at any time upon written request by U. S. Mail, signed request at any branch location, or a secure message email through online banking at which time the FirstBank Southwest will resume mailing of all my future periodic statements and I will no longer have access to my statements online.
  8. eStatement Cancellation Notification. OLB and eStatements are provided free of charge to FirstBank Southwest customers, however, FBSW’s Bill Pay is only free with the acceptance of eStatements.  Should I cancel My authorization to accept eStatements and I am enrolled in FBSW Bill Pay I understand that I will be charged in accordance with FirstBank Southwest’s Account Agreement.

Minimum System Requirements: To receive and review disclosures electronically, and to view, download, and print eStatements, you will need Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.04 or higher, or Netscape version 4.0 or higher, and Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.  Adobe Reader is available as a free download and a link is provided for My access on the eStatement window.

By pressing the “Continue” button below, I agree to the terms and conditions of this Consent and Authorization as described above.


You will be notified by email when new documents are available for viewing.

Please verify your e-mail address.

806.355.9661 Customer Sign In